NYFA Artist to Entrepreneur Bootcamp

Recently, I was accepted into the New York Foundation for the Arts program titled, artist to entrepreneur boot camp. During the course of 4 days, we explored topics that can enhance our careers as artists. It was an incredible experience and a privilege to be surrounded by talented artists from just about every disciplinary background from sculptors to painters, to authors and jewelry designers. 

A piece of information, that became clear to me throughout the program is to become a successful artist one must create art (of course..lol) which is 10% and the other 90% is marketing, branding, and networking. When we created a SWOT analysis and S.M.A.R.T chart, we were all able to identify our strengths, weakness, and a strategic plan to assist us in accomplishing our goals.

Upon completion of the program, I left with a solid plan to support me in the next steps of my career, a certificate, and new friends! 

New York Foundation For The Arts Diploma


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